God is the Grand Teacher

God is the Grand Teacher

God is the grand teacher. This is the reason the word preached works so differently upon men: two in a pew — the one is wrought upon effectually, the other lies at the ordinances as a dead child at the breast and gets no nourishment. What is the reason? Because the heavenly gale of the Spirit blows upon one and not upon the other. One has the anointing of God, which teaches him all things (1 John 2:27); the other has it not. God’s Spirit speaks sweetly and often irresistibly.

— Simeon Ashe

Primitive Divinity, 26

Ore from the Puritans’ Mine, 263

The Glory of the King and His Bride: Part 1

The Glory of the King and His Bride: Part 1

Converse with God

Converse with God